English - Sinhala Dictionary
DESCRIPTIONS for 'Terrible'
- causing fear or dread or terror; "the awful war"; "an awful risk"; "dire news"; "a career or vengeance so direful that London was shocked"; "the dread presence of the headmaster"; "polio is no longer the dreaded disease it once was"; "a dreadful storm"; "
- exceptionally bad or displeasing; "atrocious taste"; "abominable workmanship"; "an awful voice"; "dreadful manners"; "a painful performance"; "Terrible handwriting"; "an unspeakable odor came sweeping into the room"
- extremely distressing; "fearful slum conditions"; "a frightful mistake"; "suffered Terrible thirst"
- intensely or extremely bad or unpleasant in degree or quality; "severe pain"; "a severe case of flu"; "a Terrible cough"; "under wicked fire from the enemy''s guns"; "a wicked cough"
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